Monday, August 13

This is it. Don't get scared now.

Welcome to my blog! I plan to use this space to share my knitting and quilting projects and ideas. I have been obsessing mulling over a name for my blog for what seems (to my family) like months. They are tired of my "what do you think of insert-blog-name-here" questions. There are so many great blog names out there I felt a lot of pressure to come up with something hip, or a clever play on words. I suck at hip and clever. I finally decided on ColorPlay. I chose it because I finally figured out my obsession with yarn and fabric isn't about the fibers themselves, it's the colors. I want ALL the colors!

I'm a fifty-something empty-nester with three great kids, a very supportive husband who is retired, and two really cute dogs. I've been knitting for about two years (mostly socks) and quilting for twenty. I work in a quilt shop which is a good/bad thing. Good for the inspiration, ideas and friendship; bad for the wallet. A few of the gals in the shop started knitting and I tried to resist--I really did. I caved. I took a sock knitting class at my LYS and was hopelessly addicted. Then I joined the Rockin' Sock Club and Scout's Indie Swag Club. It's been all socks all the time ever since. I even went to sock camp this spring on Orcas Island. It was a blast! I recently finished the Inside Out socks from the RSC.

Currently I'm knitting the Solstice Slip Socks from RSC.

Also on the needles: Picovoli (my first sweater) and Tidal Wave socks using the Wild Tide Silkie yarn from the RSC.
I just started dyeing sock yarn and I'm really excited about it. I had so much fun I think it will be my newest obsession! I only bought red, blue, yellow and black dyes (I think I need all the colors, don't you?) It was harder than I thought to mix the colors. I bow down to you Tina, Scout and Adrian. Here's a peek at my new yarn:
Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

The blog is amazing! Colorplay is a perfect name and sums up your love for fabric and yarn! I LOVE YOU MAMA!!! have fun bloggin!!

Tammy said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!

Unknown said...

Dang! I was gonna use ColorPlay! Every time I think of a good name, I find that someone has already picked it. Arggh!

Your new yarn colors are great.

You and I have a lot in common: I want to start dyeing; I've been researching it; I'm thinking of using the same base yarn, and ordering from Dharma; like that. But I have a surly, hulking 13-year-old boy.

Linda said...

It was really hard to find a name that wasn't already taken! Sounds like we do have a lot in common--except my kids are grown and I have an empty nest. Thanks for the comment.