Tuesday, August 4

Sockapalooza '09

Well, I'm all packed up and ready to go. And not just my knitting. I also packed my clothes. Which seems a little bit wrong. I'm usually still packing 'til way past my bedtime. I guess I'm just a wee bit excited.
I've got my two-needle-knitting all ready to set a World's Record, a swatch or two and some stitch dictionaries for sock design class, and several colors of worsted weight for my color class. My knitting bag is also packed with a couple more swatches to finish up before Thursday's class. The only thing left is to decide which sock to bring to knit in-between things. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Joanne Mahlberg said...

Will be thinking about you having too much fun! Learn lots and come home and tell us all about your trip. Will be so anxious to hear every story. Have fun!
