Thursday, September 3

Down on the Tuolumne

Two weeks ago I went to one of my favorite places in the world. My kids all wanted to go on a family camping trip together, so we met in Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite. Tuolumne Meadows is the first place Larry and I ever vacationed together, and we would take our kids camping there almost every summer. I hadn't been there in a very long time. It was wonderful.

My alarm clock the first morning was someone banging on the bear box (a big metal box with a bear-proof lock that we kept our food in) and shouting. My daughter and her boyfriend had caught a bear getting into a bag we had overlooked when we locked up our food the night before. The bear went straight up the nearest tree. I went back to sleep :) , but they made a fire and watched the bear up in the tree for about an hour. That same bear made an appearance every day we were there, usually preceeded by lots of banging and shouting. I was never quick enough (or awake enough) to take her picture. I did get a shot of the claw marks she left on the tree.

We hiked along the river.
And found our favorite swimming hole.

The friends they brought along were Yosemite rookies, so we drove down to the Valley and hiked up to Vernal Falls. I don't remember the hike being so hard--1.5 miles/1000 feet elevation gain one way (but then, as my doctor likes to tell me, I have a few more candles on my birthday cake). We trudged our way to the top and it was lots of fun.

We taught the two newbies how to play Nertz. Of course, they loved it and were soon beating us at OUR game.
I got in a little bit of knitting, too!

We all had so much fun, we're planning to make it an annual trip!

Down on the Tuolumne,

down on the Tuolumne,

You will find,

you will find,

The rangers heat the water,

the rangers heat the water,

Ha, ha, ha,

Ha, ha, ha!


Tammy said...

How fun!! I haven't been to Yosemite since I was in high school, my senior year I think. I went with a boyfriend and his mom during Memorial Day weekend. It was hot! I had fun, but the next time I went was even better.

Then that summer or it might have been the following summer, I think, I went with my parents and my brother and Robert. It might have been two years before we were married, so it's been well over 20 years!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I've never been to Yosemite. It looks wonderful!

The bear story, however, is scary! Those scratch marks in the tree? WOW!

Unknown said...

finally!!! :) geeze sock camp was up in a day and fmaily vacation takes two weeks to appear... i see where your priorities are mom ;) awesome pics! love yooou!! xoxo

WhitMc said...

I just discovered your blog through your "Spring Forward" pattern on Ravelry, and I am so excited to see your reference to Nertz! Nertz is a Thanksgiving tradition in my husband's family--there is an 8-10 team tournament every year and there is even a coveted trophy!

Marisol said...

What a fabulous place! Maybe this is what we should do for our anniversary this year. 9 yrs coming up on the 21st of Oct.

You think it would be too cold? I need all the details like to I need a reservation and such:)